Sunday, August 29, 2010

How to select and prepare a monologue for your audition

At auditions, each actor will have 5-minutes with the director to present a monologue of your choosing. You can always choose to read a piece that I provide, but I would prefer if you find your own monologue, memorize and prepare it for your audition. Plus, I believe you will gain more that way!

Some tips to help you find a monologue:

1) Stick with the time limit (less than 2 minutes). Too short is better than too long.
2) Find a monologue that is close to your age and type. (For example, I probably should not choose a monologue featuring a fifty-year-old African-American hippy)
3) Look at plays you know or have been in. It is easier (but not necessary) to play a monologue for which you know the whole back story. There are also several valuable online resources for monologues.
4) Choose a monologue in which the character is fighting for something...not just retelling a story.
5) Do not choose a monologue from a movie or TV show.
6) Choose a monologue you enjoy! :)

Some tips for preparing a monologue:

1) Memorize it you don't have to worry about the words when it comes time for your audition.
2) Find your target. Who are you talking to? Why does this person need to hear what you have to say?
3) Practice in front of at least one other person. You don't want the first time to present your monologue to be in front of the director.
4) Time it so that you are not surprised by the length of your performance.
5) When speaking to your target, use your imagination to place them out in the audience (not at the director) and direct the text to them.

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